Tuesday, April 3, 2012


  1. The medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter, esp. that of base metals into gold.
  2. A process by which paradoxical results are achieved or incompatible elements combined with no obvious rational explanation.

Great art just happens.  That's right.  It just happens.  
One doesn't hem and haw about what others will think of the work. 
The artist aligns with the materials.  They become allies.
An alchemy occurs, which is inexplicable to the rational mind.
There is a tremendous amount of risk.  There is a precipice.

Sometimes when I'm in the process of figuring out how to construct one of my pieces, another part of my mind takes over and it feels as if the work is creating itself. 
I often like to think about Bach.  He didn't sign his compositions.  He was in a state of humble servitude to music.  I believe that this is why great design, art, music, drama just happen.  It exists eternally and some artists allow themselves to be open to it and create the conditions for it to come into the world.  Through the process of defining and shaping our will to the material world, we become doors that open to an heretofore un-imagined landscape that was just waiting to be discovered.
I earnestly believe that broadening the imagination creates emotional intelligence and brings us closer together and farther away from things like war. A strong ability to imagine leads to greater empathy.  It is a worthy endeavor, being an artist, though it is mostly only viewed from the vantage of commerce or consumption. 
I'm going to look at it from a totally unique perspective: my own.  
Follow me there if you like.
Best Wishes,


  1. Great start to your blog Memphis - I agree with all that you wrote. In fact I went back through my old notebook to find this quote your blog made me think of by Brenda Ueland: "Why should we all use our creative power? Because there is nothing that makes people so generous, joyful, lively, bold and compassionate, so indifferent to fighting and the accumulation of objects and money".

    1. Hey Jo!
      Love the quote. I find it endlessly interesting that creativity can create compassion. Not always. But when it's done as an offering, it becomes powerful.
      I hope I see you soon!

  2. Well said. It makes me think of my children and how pure their efforts are when they create. We need to hold on to that a little more as we grow.

    1. Children's art is so great. So direct. I think you're right. If only we could all hold on to that beginners mind. Precious stuff there. They don't even know they are doing it! Effortless.

  3. Very nice! Looks fantastic. Regardless of what the name says, this is Kimberley.

    1. Kimberley! I hope to see another blog soon from the great mind of K Taylor Allerton. :)
